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Worksite Smarter.
Giving Thanks to Often-Overlooked Heroes: A Year of Valuable Insights

Phyllis Falotico headshot

By Phyllis Falotico

Head of Worksite Marketing and true believer that good financial health and well-being for today's working Americans begin with their workplace benefits.

Posted on: Nov 21, 2023

As Thanksgiving season approaches, it’s the perfect time to reflect and express gratitude for all that we have and all that we accomplished. The first things that may come to mind are our loved ones, our health, and the opportunities that have come our way. But what about the less obvious things that make our lives easier, safer, and more secure? I’m talking about voluntary benefits and the often-overlooked heroes of the insurance world—benefits producers.

During 2023, we’ve explored many facets and actionable steps that shed light on how you and voluntary benefits make a significant difference in the lives of working Americans. In this post, we’ll revisit the highlights of these insightful articles, each offering unique perspectives and valuable takeaways. I hope that by reflecting on these posts, you’ll gain a greater appreciation for what you offer, and the contribution voluntary benefits have to financial well-being.

A group of people standing in a conference room laughing

  1. Start the year with the end in mind

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    What would be the best starting point for benefits professionals to think about when it comes to optimizing their opportunities and client engagement? Gain inspiration with food for thought that warrants some attention.

  2. The Misconceptions of Group Whole Life Insurance (GWL)

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    Despite the available education around GWL, it’s often misunderstood by your clients and their employees. GWL has so much to offer working Americans, but misconceptions can derail opportunities.

  3. Living Benefits May Mean More to Women

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    While understanding the implications of gender are part of the underwriting process, we may overlook the deeper implications of women tending to live longer than men in terms of financial risks. Learn how women have an opportunity to help reduce future financial risks by taking advantage of permanent life insurance offered at the workplace.

  4. Financial Literacy and the Workplace: The Perfect Pairing

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    Offering voluntary benefits is more than just providing working Americans access to valuable financial resources, it’s about access to financial education too. Learn how you can play a key role and how to weave it into your client conversations.

  5. Now is the Time for Chronic Care Benefits

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    You might be surprised (and so will your clients) to learn the level of concern working Americans have in terms of how to plan for and meet the growing cost of chronic care needs. We’ll explain how Group Whole Life insurance with the Chronic Care Benefit can help address those concerns.

  6. Are Today’s Working Americans’ Financially Stable? Part 1

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    While it is true that demographics may play a role in developing effective communications, what may matter more are perceptions of financial well-being and feelings of confidence in the future. We’ve uncovered three distinct groups of working Americans and it will matter to how you engage clients and their employees.

  7. Are Today’s Working Americans’ Financially Stable? Part 2

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    What type of messaging speaks to feelings of financial confidence for your client’s employees? If you are seeking to craft more meaningful messages during enrollment season and thereafter, here are five recommendations to consider.

  8. Harvesting Voluntary Benefits: A Guide to Navigating Enrollment Season

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    Many people do not actively think about open enrollment unless or until given a reason. Employees need reminders, education and nudges to help ensure they make more informed decisions. We outline what you and your clients may want to focus on to help drive participation.

As we express our gratitude for these valuable insights about working Americans and voluntary benefits, I hope you find a moment during this season to revisit the posts that pique your interest. The more actionable steps you take, the better we can help employers and employees make informed decisions and provide the necessary coverage for those we serve.

Happy Thanksgiving, and together let’s continue to make Worksite Better.

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Riders and other features, such as the Chronic Care Benefit under the certificate, may be available for an additional premium or have a fee when exercised. Availability of these features may be limited based on issue age or state of issue. The Chronic Care Benefit is not approved in MA.

Group Whole Life Insurance (GPWL), (policy/certificate forms MM-GPWL-2014 and MM-GCWL-2014, and MM-GPWL-2014(NC) and MM-GCWL-2014 (NC) in North Carolina), is level-premium, participating permanent life insurance. The GPWL policy and GCWL certificates are issued by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Springfield, MA 01111-0001.

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